♥♥♥ FRISSON ♥♥♥ Elegante, Sofisticada e Discreta, a maneira certa de aparecer !!!

sexta-feira, 28 de agosto de 2020

CONVITE / INVITATION - Legado do Exílio (1933-1945): a contribuição dos refugiados da Segunda Guerra Mundial para o Brasil - Convites para eventos na Maison Juive Dumas e na Sinagoga Beth Yaacov - L’héritage de l'exil (1933-1945): la contribution des réfugiés de la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale au Brésil - Invitations à des événements à la Maison Juive Dumas et à la Synagogue Beth Yaacov - GE


Conheça a importante contribuição deixada por Alina PERLOWAGORA - SZUMLEWICZ, incansável biomédica polonesa que contribui para o combate a endemias e graves doenças no Brasil (febre amarela, esquistossomose Doença de Chagas e controle do barbeiro).

Découvrez l'importante contribution d'Alina PERLOWAGORA - SZUMLEWICZ, infatigable médecin biomédical polonais qui contribue à la lutte contre les endémies et les maladies graves au Brésil (fièvre jaune, schistosomiase, maladie de Chagas et lutte contre les barbiers).

Discover the important contribution left by Alina PERLOWAGORA - SZUMLEWICZ, a tireless Polish biomedical doctor who contributes to the fight against endemics and serious diseases in Brazil (yellow fever, schistosomiasis, Chagas disease and barber control).

Convite / Invitation

Exposição Legado do Exílio: a Contribuição dos Refugiados da Segunda Guerra Mundial para o Brasil e 

Apresentação musical Choose Life  (Escolha a vida/Choisir la vie), conduzida pela prestigiada regente brasileira Myrna Herzog

Exposition sur L’héritage de l'exil (1933-1945): la contribution des réfugiés de la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale au Brésil et

Performance musicale Choose Life (Choisir la vie), dirigée par la prestigieuse chef d'orchestre brésilienne Myrna Herzog

Legacy of Exile Exhibition: The Contribution of World War II Refugees to Brazil and

Choose Life (Choisir la vie) musical performance, conducted by the prestigious Brazilian conductor Myrna Herzog


O Consulado-geral do Brasil em Genebra tem o prazer de convidá-los para participar de dois eventos organizados em conjunto com a Comunidade Israelita de Genebra e em associação com a exposição Legado do Exílio (1933-1945): a Contribuição dos Refugiados da Segunda Guerra Mundial para o Brasil, no momento em exibição na Maison Juive Dumas, em Champel:

a) em 08/09 (19h), a Noite do Brasil, na Maison Juive Dumas (Av. Dumas 21, 1206, Genebra). Os interessados poderão fazer sua inscrição até 01/09 no endereço https://etickets.infomaniak.com/shop/YhBC6vDs8O/?iPeriodCode=4195&ratio=1.3953488372093024.  Na ocasião, o restaurant Le Jardin, naquele centro, servirá pratos brasileiros e haverá apresentações dos músicos do Ensemble Alma Brasileira (Trio de Metais); e

b) em 13/09 (17 - 19h), na Sinagoga Beth-Yaacov (nr.7, Place de la Synagogue – Plainpalais), apresentação musical Choose Life  (Escolha a vida/Choisir la vie), conduzida pela prestigiada regente brasileira Myrna Herzog, a qual tocará belas composições para viola de gamba em instrumento construído em 1744 por Andrea Castagneri (sistemas.mre.gov.br/kitweb/datafiles/Genebra/pt-br/file/Program CHOOSE LIFE.pdf),  Os interessados em participar deverão enviar, até 31/08, email a respeito ao seguinte endereço: consul.genebra@itamaraty.gov.br.

Esperamos que apreciem as duas iniciativas e que possam comparecer.

Susan Kleebank

Cônsul-geral do Brasil em Genebra



Le Consulat général du Brésil à Genève a le plaisir de vous inviter à participer à deux événements organisés conjointement avec la communauté israélienne à Genève et en association avec l'exposition L’héritage de l'exil (1933-1945): la contribution des réfugiés de la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale au Brésil, actuellement à la Maison Juive Dumas, à Champel:

a) le 08/09 (19h), Noite do Brasil, à la Maison Juive Dumas (Av. Dumas 21, 1206, Genève). Les parties intéressées peuvent s'inscrire jusqu'au 01/09 sur https://etickets.infomaniak.com/shop/YhBC6vDs8O/?iPeriodCode=4195&ratio=1.3953488372093024. A cette occasion, le restaurant Le Jardin, dans ce centre, proposera un menu avec des plats brésiliens et des présentations par les musiciens de l'Ensemble Alma Brasileira (Trio de Metais); et

b) le 13/09 (17h - 19h), à la Synagogue Beth-Yaacov (n ° 7, Place de la Synagogue - Plainpalais), performance musicale Choose Life (Escolha a vida/Choisir la vie), dirigée par le prestigieux chef d'orchestre la brésilienne Myrna Herzog, qui jouera de belles compositions pour viole de gambe sur un instrument construit en 1744 par Andrea Castagneri (sistemas.mre.gov.br/kitweb/datafiles/Genebra/pt-br/file/Program CHOOSE LIFE.pdf). Les personnes intéressées à participer doivent envoyer, jusqu'au 31/08, un e-mail à l'adresse suivante: consul.genebra@itamaraty.gov.br.

Nous espérons que vous apprécierez les deux initiatives et pourrez y assister.

Susan Kleebank

Consul-général du Brésil à Genève



The Consulate General of Brazil in Geneva is pleased to invite you to participate in two events organized jointly with the Israeli Community of Geneva and in association with the exhibition Legado do Exílio (1933-1945): the Contribution of Refugees of the Second World War for Brazil, currently on display at Maison Juive Dumas, in Champel:

a) on September 8th (19h), the Brazilian Night, at Maison Juive Dumas (Av. Dumas 21, 1206, Geneva). Those interested can register until September 1st at https://etickets.infomaniak.com/shop/YhBC6vDs8O/?iPeriodCode=4195&ratio=1.3953488372093024. On that occasion, the restaurant Le Jardin, in that center, will serve Brazilian dishes and there will be presentations by the musicians of the Ensemble Alma Brasileira (Trio de Metais); and

b) on September 13 (5 pm - 7 pm), at the Beth-Yaacov Synagogue (nr.7, Place de la Synagogue - Plainpalais), a musical show Choose Life (Choisir la vie), conducted by the prestigious Brazilian conductor Myrna Herzog, who will play beautiful compositions for viola de gamba on an instrument built in 1744 by Andrea Castagneri (Sistemas.mre.gov.br/kitweb/datafiles/Genebra/pt-br/file/Program CHOOSE LIFE.pdf), Those interested in to participate, they must send, until August, 31, an email regarding the following address: consul.genebra@itamaraty.gov.br.

We hope you enjoy both initiatives and are able to attend.

Susan Kleebank

Consul General of Brazil in Geneva



Music  for viola da gamba solo and stories, from Sephardic Spain to the New World  


viola da gamba Edward Lewis, London c. 1680  

"I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life“ 

(Deuteronomy 30-19).  

Diego OrNz (1553) - Recercada Tercera  

Sylvestro Ganassi (1542) - Rechecar Secondo  

Anon. Portuguese 16th century - Terra donde me criei (Land where I was brought up)   

Dina Smorgonskaya (b. 1947) – Sephardic Reminiscences (Israel, 2004, for Myrna)  

Nicolas Hotman (1614-1663)  – Fantaisie   

Anon. 18th cent. Manuscript de Foix  - Bransle      

Marin Marais (1656-1728) – Les Folies d'Espagne   

Guenter Krause Westein (b. 1952) – Der Kleine Bach (2018 – For Myrna)       

J.S.Bach (1685-1750) - Gavobe en rondeau from ParNta BWV 1006  

Marin Marais –  La Polonoise   

Tobias Hume (c. 1569 –1645) - Death  - Life                        

Aharon Shefi (b.1928) - Known DirecNon (transcribed by the author for Myrna)  

Karl Friedrich Abel (1723 -1787) – Four pieces   

Adagio  WKO 189  - Allegro WKO 207  -Andante WKO 199  - Allegro  WKO 212      

Shun-ichi Tokura (b. 1948) – A bridge to the Past (2012, for Myrna)    

Luis Otavio Braga (1953, Belém do Pará) –  NordesNna (Baião)  (2010,  for Myrna)    


Myrna Herzog correlates the story of the viola da gamba, spreading through Europe  from Spain, to the journey of her own family and her father, a Polish Jew who escaped  the Holocaust and finally reached Brazil where he was a pioneer in motocycle-making.




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